Coming home!

Yes, that’s right, I am home, finally.  It only took 10 days to get there, but I did it.  And, it was amazing.  I couldn’t have asked for a more interesting or exciting journey home.  I would like to post pictures here for posterity, but currently I only have access to the internet at the library, and the good-ol laptop is in the shop, finally.  Looks like that will only cost me about $100 to fix.  Deal!

Now it’s just about searching for jobs, getting things done and visiting people for a while.  Tomorrow (already!) I have an interview for a job in Madison.  Pretty exciting!

So.  Now that I am no longer actually a teacher, I think this website shouldn’t progress any further.  BUT!  Do not fear!  I am just moving the place of my postings to

It’s sad to see it go, but, everything must end.  (unless…. Unless I am hired as a preschool teacher, then this blog is back on!  But let’s not jump to conclusions)

So long!  Fare Well!  I will see you on the other side!

Today has been a long long day so far.  Started at 5.  Went off with only one, minor, tiny, insignificant hitch, which will later be described in it’s own, long post.

Leaving was really quite hard, mostly because I was emotional about that microscopic problem mentioned earlier and because Elen saw us off… I will miss her SO much.  I am almost convinced I wouldn’t have survived if it weren’t for her.  I hope we can stay in touch.

Ok, I should go to bed.  It’s only 8pm, but we are dead on our feet and we want to be awake to see the city tomorrow.  We only have about 24 hours in Helsinki, and it looks pretty amazing.

Hope to keep you updated!